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    Unbelievable Feats of Superhuman Prowess
    Many of us think that our job is a big headache, but it’s not for the 47 year old Li Xin from China who spends his whole day practicing to balance his head on a spike and he has been doing this from last 20 years.His weight is 66kg and he manages to balance the total body up side down on his skull. Li Xin can do this stunt for up to 10 seconds, as we all know many people can manage to balance upside down but on headstand not on spike.Putting his hands out to the side, he balanced all his  66kg (107lb) body weight, putting intense pressure on his skull.
    After the stunt, Li Xin leaned forward to show off a small but definite indent on the top of his head.  It’s not just his head that is as hard as nails – he also balanced all his body weight on a similar spike against his stomach. The spike was placed on a stool and Li Xin pulled back his shirt and lowered his body onto the spike. He then lifted his arms and legs in the air, holding a starfish pose.The likelihood of this spike piercing his skin is reduced  because the end is shaped into a larger blunt arrow, meaning there is more surface area for Li Xin to balance upon



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